
Frieda Schwabl

What we ate
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Niocole D´Incecco
What is so come in your childhood to your table? What we have had breakfast, which was to have lunch, evening, weekend? - That was quite modest. All days dumplings. Retrieved from "Plentenmehl" we say, I do not know how to say it, the plent? - Buckwheat. - Yes. Every day. In the summer salad, winter cabbage. And on Friday the mother made a cake once so often, but very, very modest something. Yes. It has even more because she has not had the money, we often were able to buy only a quarter kilo of sugar. Yes. Now we can have almost anything. White bread, we always have baked yourself, bread has always been in the house, no, we have not been hungry, but just lived modestly. On Sunday, we always get "Wheat Dumplings" from white bread dumplings. Then the mother said when her brother was still there, buy awakening. All Wake has never come home - for sheer pleasure, eh, you ate a piece down. yes, yes. .. Later, a baker with a basket from house to house is gone. But she just can not buy. There was no money. Once we knocked down the hail, the whole grain, then we have had almost nothing to bake bread. Since then it has given almost every day potatoes. Then the maid said, "No, that's not easy." She buys herself a loaf of bread if the baker is. .. Yes, she has herself bought bread. But the mother can not buy. - No. So it has been. Yes. But still, nothing else has known. Quite in the later years once a has said: "Do you want a white chocolate or black?" As I said, "Yes, there is a white? - Yes, I did not know that. "Yes, there is a white," I said. That is, yes. - Yes. And just so - no, no. - With the candy has been very little, very little indeed. Yes, they have given us in the morning and evening by muscle - as they say - by the Turks - as they say? - Polenta, yes and butter to be deleted, and that has existed for all farmers, not only with us, the same everywhere. Mus everywhere on the day and at night too, then it has used no bread and they ate. Yes, always the same. Day in, day out, always the same.